Tuesday, March 27, 2007

porta-immondizie decaf non-fat café au lait

BFF is now the “creative ministry team” (she’s the whole “team”) at her church and this means she designs “sets” or “props” or “vignettes” that represent a sermon or a sermon series. BeLinda is such a creative person, everybody says so. If you know her you know what I’m saying is true. I’m so proud of her. Sunday’s sermon was based upon the Leonard Sweet book, “The Gospel According to Starbucks” (my dad’s read it and I’m sure he’ll be happy to discuss).
So, Be made a giant to-go coffee cup, complete with a stirrer, and cardboard don’t-burn-your-fingers sleeve. Plus, she added vanilla candles and coffee beans to give the sanctuary that Starbucks smell. How clever!One of the nice things is most people at church have no idea who is on the Creative Ministry “Team” and Be gets to be all mysterious. Really, she just wants God to receive the glory and she wants to point people to Him and not have the focus on herself. But she did say I could share these pictures with you. After all, being a best friend is often like being a grandparent; it’s joy to get to brag on a wildly creative BFF.


cara harjes said...

oooh, you're reading bird by bird!?!? i love that book. apparently miss lamott has a new book coming out soon.

speaking of books, i finally broke down and bought jennifer weiner's short stories in hard back - i couldn't wait for it to come out in soft. it was a good beach read.

last night i started reading barak obama's first book. i'll have to let you know.

Anonymous said...

That is the coolest thing.. Props to BFF for her props! They are the best! :)

Anonymous said...

She did a wonderful job. I'm sure that coffee sleeve got a lot of good attention. It's very powerful.