As I knit a Ballband Dishcloth (Mason-Dixon Knitting pg 21) I can’t help but stop to stare after I finish each row. It’s such a simple pattern of knits and purls and slips. Yet the results look a little more intricate. It almost has a woven look. It’s like the guitar playing of The Edge. It sounds fancy…but it’s all about the chorus peddle. I think I would love a blanket of sewn together Ballband Dishcloth squares. I may not know how to quilt like my grandmothers did. But I can sew

together dish cloths, can’t I? I think Nancy & Thelma would be pleased. Or at the least amused.
p.s. Did you see the season finale of Gilmore Girls last night? Wha wha whadda hudda who? huh!?!?!?
Exactly Lorelai, exactly.
I, too, am making the warshrags right now. I love the pattern. Like you said, it is so simple but looks wonderful! I can't wait to see your color choices!
I'm using Sugar & Cream in light blue & jute. It's going to be a gift...
let's get back to loreli, here people. heartbreaking!
by far, THE MOST POWERFUL GILMORE GIRLS EVER! i am so disappointed and sad for my wanna-be-celebrity-twin. (i wanna be twins, i am sure lauren grahm could care less about being twinners with me!)
lCara - I really thought my head was going to explode. Brains splattered on the wall. I would not be getting my deposit back after that!
I know my next door neighbor watches GG & I kid you not I heard her sheirk with Christopher got in the bed.
Well, eventually. This one is for my mom for mother's day. I hope she doesn't read this before Sunday...
my disdain for loreli's choice to hit the sack with good ole christopher was balanced out last night by THE MOST POWERFUL "THE OFFICE" EVER! finally finally, cute sweet jim told pam "i am in love with you!" and they kissed. it was a dream come true - i never thought it would actually happen! its like all those times in middle school when i day dreamed about scott fudenburg professing his love for me between social studies and gym - knowing quite it would never happen - but this . . . this DID happen.
ahh. TeVo. I was afeared something like that might happen. sorry.
its lies. all lies. i don't even like the office. i've never even watched it.
Old School VCR baby. ;-)
No worries. I'll act surprised. They'll never know that I already knew.
well then, let me say this. it is so fabulous, i dreamt about it last night.
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