I should let you know that I’m in a very weird mood because the “chiller” was down in this here

six story fortress of building I work in. Most of my day has been spent sweating and hallucinating while trying to sit perfectly still at my desk. Now that it’s cooled down I’m as punch-drunk as a sixth grade girls’ slumber party. I’ve experienced many emotional phases since 9:00 a.m. including by not limited to:
anger accompanied by the white-hot hate of hell
abundant joy
elation accompanied by a massive helping of the giggles (Stop laughing Megan!)
Now I’m coming down and I’m just worn out. Tears could be shed before 5:00 p.m. That being said…
I know this coming Sunday is Mother’s Day. And what I’m about to say may have more to do with Father’s Day. But I have to share this today. It’s just a Tuesday. May 9th. This date has no significance to me. Today I read the post of my good friend, Bill Smith, who is also BFFBeLinda’s brother. I knew him for years at BeLinda’s brother. Then he moved to Nashville not long after TC-Eric and I did. During that time Bill became more than just my best friend's brother. He’s a dear friend to me.

BeLinda & Bill lost their father when Be was 12 and Bill was 10. Try as I might I cannot fully appreciate what it’s like to lose a father at such a young age. While I suppose my efforts to share my daddy with BFF are appreciated I know it’s not the same. My daddy didn’t walk BeLinda down the aisle at her wedding to Chad. But he officiated the ceremony. He baptized her son, Kai. He has been her pastor. Yet I know it’s not quite the same. Understandably, all these years later the anniversary of their father’s death rolls around and it’s a hard day for BeLinda and I would assume Bill, too. Today I read a post on Bill’s blog about growing up and becoming a man, a husband, and a father without a daddy to share those moments with and receive advice from. I invite you to read
To Miss a Dragon.
Bill & Be, I love you.
Daddy, I love you.
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