My friend Angie can tell you the exact moment she knew she wanted a tattoo. There was a tattooed character in a movie she watched with her grandfather when she was a kid. As soon as she was old enough she got her first tattoo. And now most of her back is covered with a beautiful castle scene. I can’t recall a moment like the one Angie had. I just know that I have wanted one since I was about fifteen or sixteen years old. That’s more than of half my life!
Each year as my birthday approached I began planning to get tattooed; a gift to myself. For one reason or another I had to put it off. Over the years I’ve picked out numerous designs and placements for a tattoo. There, also, was always the issue of disposable income. And before I knew it was I was 33-years-old and I still didn’t have a tattoo.
A few years ago my mom watched a documentary on tattoos and decided that she wanted one, too. As part of the on-going 60th birthday festivities Mom and I spent Saturday evening with our friend from church, Wes Carter, of Carter’s Tattoo. Finally.
Each year as my birthday approached I began planning to get tattooed; a gift to myself. For one reason or another I had to put it off. Over the years I’ve picked out numerous designs and placements for a tattoo. There, also, was always the issue of disposable income. And before I knew it was I was 33-years-old and I still didn’t have a tattoo.
A few years ago my mom watched a documentary on tattoos and decided that she wanted one, too. As part of the on-going 60th birthday festivities Mom and I spent Saturday evening with our friend from church, Wes Carter, of Carter’s Tattoo. Finally.
Several years ago I made a list of things that have and will have life long importance to me.
1. Jesus

1. Jesus
2. My family
3. Music
4. Camp Loucon
At that time I planned on getting a lovely viney cross on my mid-back. Then a friend of mine from camp passed away. At his memorial I was reminded of the importance of the Loucon community. I started going to Loucon, a United Methodist Church camp, as a camper in the summer of 1982. Later I became a counselor and then worked as part of the summer staff for several years. Most summers I am a counselor for the week-long choir camp that I attended as a kid. The majority of my family, including both parents, have been campers, counselors, deans, and/or summer staff at Loucon. My cousins, Eric and Katrina, and I have talked about what it was like moving a lot because we were preachers’ kids. Loucon was a constant in our lives. A place we could always come home to. We’ve seen lives changed at Loucon. We’ve made life-long friendships, and have grown and learned leadership skills there. We have amazing memories. Loucon is part of who I am. Really, I can't sum up the importance of Loucon in one paragraph. But I can wear the name for the rest of my life. 
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? -Matthew 6: 25-27

My mom, who is really into symbolism, chose a design based up the James Avery Craftsman baptismal shell charm I gave her a few Christmases ago. Wes did an awesome job of bringing our visions to life. He added a water droplet that really made the whole thing pop. And he helped me work out the placement of the word “Loucon”. And I love the little leafy embellishment he added.
Yes, that tattoo did hurt. It’s a tolerable kind of pain. More annoying than upsetting. And over the last few days the area has felt like I have a sunburn. Overall, not too bad. And, yes, I’d do it again. Which is good-I have several other designs picked out.
Very nice work!
Very nice!
I've been thinking about getting a tattoo as well. Jeff & I talked about getting angel's wings on my foot in memory of my parents... We'll see next time I'm next to a tattoo parlor I trust!
I like both tatoos, especially since they have meaning/symbolism that's important to you both. You didn't end up with the random cartoon character, for instance. Nice!
i knew this girl who lost a dare while she was drunk. so she agreed to get a big tweety bird tattooed on her boob. the sad thing is that she was totally sober when she actually got the tattoo.
Very nice - I like both yours and your moms! I got 2 tattoos in college, and really would like another. Though I think hubby would have a heart attack if I came home with another one.
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