Tuesday, March 06, 2007

10 on tuesday meme: 10 things you'd like to learn how to do

I'd like to learn how to...
1. speak Japanese
2. play the bagpipes
3. play the piano (better than I do)
4. quilt
5. knit Latvian mittens
6. crochet (if only to make a granny square something)
7. take better pictures and devlop them
8. work magic like The Dog Whisperer
9. drive an IndyCar (Yes, I know...Shut-up. Please.)
10. dance Salty Dog doubles

Tag, you're it: Franny, Steve, and Sarah H.


the Franster said...

Got the meme this time - sorry I missed the others. Got mine up. Thanks for getting me to blog again. I'll try and keep it fresh. Miss you, when are you coming out to Cali again? That was sooooo much fun! Need to go bild a burger together. :)

Jennifer Coomer said...

I hope in July. Mom and I are talking about visiting then. And YES we have to go to The Counter, again. We must.

TheSteph said...

The quilting part is easy. One day we'll talk about it. A good start: Denyse Schmidt Quilts: 30 Colorful Quilt and Patchwork Projects by Denyse Schmidt.