Sarah H. just emailed our knitting group about the new
Gee’s Bend postal stamps.

A group of ladies in rural
Gee’s Bend, AL are known for their
amazing quilts made with whatever material they had on hand (like flour sacks and worn denim). They made these really interesting quilts that later inspired the Log Cabin patterns in the
Mason-Dixon Knitting book (a yarn
cult to which I subscribe). Last week I found Gee’s Bend postcards at Barnes and Nobles and bought up several for my fellow knitters. I am a geek for Gee’s Bend and now I’m geeked about these stamps!
The postwoman at the Frist P.O. said the Gee's Bend stamps are supposed to be out at the end of this month, and they should have them.
Today I bought Judy Garland and DC Comic Super Heroes stamps. I almost always have "pretty" stamps--they cost the same as plain old flag stamps!
The people who buy the plain old flag stamps are just b-o-r-i-n-g.
Or, um, really patriotic?
I should not judge. I am mean.
I love getting the fun stamps too. Right now I have the ones with children's book characters--Curious George, monster from Wild Things, Fox in Socks, the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Fun stuff!
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