For one there was dark chocolate. And there were Starbursts.
She also packed a new sock book – Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy (Mittens, too!) by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts.
Some gorgeous very soft mostly green sock yarn that I can tell is going to stripe v. v. nicely. I can't recall the brand this morning.

Sugar and Cream dishcloth cotton in variegated Summer Splash. Also green – my favorite color!
And everything was cushioned by strips of grocery bags that I can use for my UFO/Recycle Bag Tote Bag.
Very good job SP! Thank you kindly.
*After thought & advice Mom decided to upgrade to a new computer. The Geek Squad at Best Buy was great. Our Geek’s name was Michael Vaughan!!! But he never watched Alias so I don’t know how much of a geek he really was. Anyhow, we should be on-line at home again by the end of the week.
Glad you liked it! I intended for there to be more cushioning, but you were right when you said what a pain in the butt it is to cut that stuff out. It's part of what took me so long to get the package out to you!
They look like dry spaghetti.
Yeah, I guess they kind of do. Almost that thin.
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