I’ve had a migraine for the last few days. I think it faintly began sometime over the weekend after several nights of inadequte sleep. It didn’t become terrible until late yesterday morning while I was at work. Early in the day I began to recognize that familiar smoldering, prodding feeling behind my left eye and took a Midrin. As the morning went on I started to feel nauseated. My boss took one look at me and called me “gloomy”. The people who know me well know I wear a migraine/headache as an expression on my face. My mom can easily spot something different in my eyes. After the pukey feeling began I realized I was closing my left eye. When I wanted to close both eyes I knew it was time to cry uncle and go home.

I got in bed in a dark bedroom and napped and watched TV for most of the day. Sometimes I think I’d feel so much better if I actually would throw-up. But it doesn’t come easily to me. After hours of feeling nauseated I gave in and took “the big gun” – Phenegran. That stuff does the job, but I hesitate to take it because it often makes me feel so groggy the next day. That’s on top of the “migraine hangover” I always experience. I went to sleep pretty easily after that and slept well throughout the night.
This morning I felt groggy and hung-over. I thought the migraine may be gone. But I realized I still had that prodding feeling behind my left eye. Before the end of the day I was closing my left eye, feeling nauseated, and was ready to head back into a dark bedroom.

I recently found this drawing called “The Cluster Headache”. It inspired me to create my own art that represents how I feel when I have a migraine. I remember once reading that many well known artists – of various mediums – have suffered from migraines. And those migraines have led to some of their better known works. Maybe there is a little something to that...because this is one of my more detailed blog posts in awhile...
woo... this picture is so terrible and horrible...
Wow...that picture....I'm sorry about the migraines. But was glad to see you had a post up.
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A cluster headache is not a migrane. Million times worse.
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