Yesterday my friend, Joan, left me a voice mail just to say hello and catch up and that she was thinking of me. Sweet Joan. She’s good like that. She often ends her messages with “you don’t have to call me back”. Joan just wants to say “hi” and I’m glad we’re friends. I’ve not see Joan in a while (too long really) and as I was hanging up the phone I made a mental note “Must return Joan’s call”. I even grabbed a pad of the little yellow post-its and wrote “Call Joan!” because I know how my mind works. “Mork Calling Orson. Come in Orson…”
The evening came and went with some knitting (oh heavenly clapotis accomplisment) and reading and trying to catch up on ATWT (Emily jumped off the bluff!!!). And suddenly it’s beyond decent hours to ring a household. Best laid intentions…right? I want to do better. I want my good intentions to have great follow-through. I start a year saying, “I’m going to send more birthday cards and Grandparents day cards, and thank you notes.” (No May Day cards though. I’m boycotting.) And I’ll do okay for a few weeks. I’ll falter. Weeks become months. It’s May 2nd. BFF never got a birthday card. And Joan’s call has not been returned.
Note to self: Call Joan tonight.
cards are hard. i bought a card last month - weeks early - for my bff then forgot to send it. oi!
Sometimes I buy a card in advance and then I can't remember where I put it!
My cousin, Eric, swallows him gum without thinking about what he's doing. I found a birthday card that mentioned swalling gum about a month or two before his birthday & I was actually able to locate it in time for his day. I felt pretty accomplished.
you should. its a big deal.
That Joan sounds like a really sweet girl. I bet she likes having a friend like you. She probably wishes she kept up with you more. Oh Well. Give her a call anytime you want!
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