Now why did Jade have to go and win the “Actress Who is Going to be Mean to You to See How You Handle It” challenge? I think she won because of her delusions of grandeur.
Actress posing as mean agent: You have really severe features.
Jade: I know, right?...They’re…fabulous. They’re…just really…*makes weird noise*. I…have a…really…diverse look.
In this episode we found out that Jade’s mother “pulls energy from the universe”. Cut to Jade’s mom waving her hands over Jade’s body “washing” her in positive energy from the universe. Okay, I see Jade in a whole new context now.Mr. Jay Manuel’s little plugs for products are so weird and scripted. It makes my toes hurt.
Nnenna. You’re poor boyfriend seemed so happy to see you. He may come across as a little insecure and needy. He kind of acts possessive. I wonder why…? “It was very good for John to see me.” I'll be honest...I was glad when Nnenna's baby doll picture fell flat.
This week Nnenna was knocked off the Cover Girl of the Week throne and replaced by my new favorite...
I’m so pleased that Joanie had the opportunity to have her teeth fixed. When she said they were lucky to afford a teeth cleaning a year when she was growing up I about wept. This suddenly felt like an episode of Extreme Makeover: Toof Edition. It was pretty intense when the dentist ripped her teeth out. Danielle, “Dang! Are my teeth that
long?” Without the snaggle tooth I’m really hoping Joanie will shine. I’d love to see her win this thing because she is so unlike previous winners. Both her ventriloquist dummy and her b/w photos rocked.
They want Danielle to have her gap closed. I am proud of Danielle for saying no. Tyra, Miss Jay, and Nigel..I have two words for you: Lauren Hutton.Once again Furonda surprised me. She impresses me a little more each week. Her rag doll photo was "fierce!".
Pause for a commercial with Ms. Personality herself Nicole, Winner of Cycle 5. This girl has as much personality as a sack of unbleached flour.
I really do enjoy the semi-annual stripped down black and white photo shoots with Tyra. “Do like this, ‘I’m so sad and innocent. I’m just a sad baby. I’m just a sad little virgin. I’m so innocent.’.”
Jade: *start fake tears now* Tyra, those tears were real. Because…I’ve had…so much hurt in my life…
Everyone Else in the Room: Faker.Seven beautiful girls stand before me with the hopes of becoming America’s Next Top Model. But I only have six pictures in my hands. The first name I’m going to call…
Did you see the expression on Jade’s face at the realization that she was in the bottom two the second time?
I was hoping that Brooke would be fierce in this episode. I wanted her to show up and own them all. I thought her b/w photo was fantastic and her Barbie Doll picture was better than the judges gave her credit for. In the end she just didn’t bring it. But I will miss her and her features that are so wrong they’re right.
1 comment:
I think they are making Danielle go back for gap closure. I didn't think she should do it either.
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