Last week, for the second time, I tried to get a new Kentucky driver’s license. For the second time I was told, by a second person, that I didn’t have the right proof of who I am and that I live in Bowling Green. And for the second time I left the Bowling Green-Warren Co Clerk’s office disgruntled. I was mostly worried that this would affect my opportunity to vote tomorrow. However, I called the election commission and they said as long as I’m on their roster (and I am) and I have a valid picture ID (and I do), even if it’s a Tennessee license, I will be able to vote. The only thing even mildly amusing about my visit to the BG-Warren Co Clerk’s office seeing Mrs. Franchitti’s face … She was reminding me to check that box and become an organ donor. However, I bet, just like me, Ashley still has a Tennessee driver’s license.
aaaaaaaaah. Mrs. Franchitti! sorry to hear of you DL woes. glad to know you'll still get to vote though!
I think the DMV is my least favorite place to visit! Hmmmm what proof do you need? Do they need to take a field trip to your house?
Anyway, I was just checking in, to see how you're doing!
Take Care!
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