Tuesday, September 11, 2007

wait a second, is it tuesday?

10 Cities You Could Live In
(for a month, for a year...if you couldn't live in your own)

1) Manhattan
2) London
3) Seattle or Vancouver
4) Dublin or Belfast, Ireland
5) Edinburgh or Glasgow, Scotland
6) Cincinnati, Ohio
7) San Diego, CA (hi Christy!)
8) Savannah, GA
9) Tokyo, Japan
10) Anchorage, Alaska


Clickin Mama J said...

I have #10 on my list too. Happy TT!

Patois42 said...

Oh, yeah, Seattle or Vancouver. With you on 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 and 10. Wow, maybe we should think about being roomies somewhere!

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of those, but I'd have to drop Anchorage. I do not want to go there...

Anonymous said...

Asheville, NC
Housatonic, MA
Olympia, WA
Burlington, VT
Peterborough, NH

Anonymous said...

We've got a few that match up!