Dear Jennifer,
I think I very much forgot to tell you this part of our Day out With Thomas the Train.

And then we went on down the road ten miles to see Lincoln's Farm and the Birthplace of Lincoln where there is a modest cabin surrounded by marble and 50 something-ish steps with 16 gorgeous ceiling tiles, commemerating that he was President 16.
This cabin is where Lincoln was most definitely NOT born as its logs date back to the 1840's. But it TOURED the country as his birthplace and I guess once you surround a cabin with marble you just stick with it. But we did find a wonderful stuffed Lincoln that CeeCee had to have. She took him to church Sunday where Skip preached on Lincoln. The preacher was quite surprised that Cee Cee brought her own Lincoln. And thus ended our "Tour of cabins NOT lived in by Abraham Lincoln."
Dear BeLinda,
I am very disillusioned. I have climbed those marbles steps and looked at the cabin I thought Lincoln was born in since I was a child...more times than I can remember. Next you're going to tell me he wasn't even born in Kentucky.
Oh, no. He was born in Kentucky. How else would you explain that hokey down-home humor? :)
I think you're saying he must have been a Coomer.
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