Sunday, March 19, 2006

Days 3, 4, 5, 6...

Christy & I have been so busy (and thus tired) that I've not been posting like I planned. But I'll have pictures & stories to tell upon my return to Mid-Tenn. In the meantime here are some pictures that Franny took on her phone and a taste of what's to come...

I saw panadas and Marilyn Monroe's footprints and a lot of mountains and palm trees.
I have eaten fabulous chocolate cake at Extraordinary Desserts in San Diego's Litte Italy, a slap your granny good hamburger at The Counter in Santa Monica, really good Mexican, and an orange that grew on a tree in Christy's backyard.
Spent time with new friends.
Broke-out in hives on my elbow (cat allergy).
Went into a Sephora store and didn't buy a thing.
Went to church.
Learned to play Pounce and the basics of Chess.

I'm leaving on a jetplane EARLY tomorrow morning.

I miss my friends & I can't wait to see you and tell you more!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds like you're having fun--except for the hives part, of course. Looking forward to seeing pictures!!!