Wednesday, June 03, 2009

fanny pack attack

It's almost that time again. The annual event when Country and Western music fans descend upon Music City like a swarm of locusts. The event formerly known as Fan Fair - the CMA Music Festival - kicks off next Thursday, June 11 in Nashville.

I have worked in Nashville for over twelve years and I cannot say that Fan Fair is my favorite time of year. Sure, it provides some good entertainment. But when you're having one of those days when you...
  • cut your leg shaving and can't find a band-aid
  • pop a button on your pants
  • sneeze while applying your mascara and make a mess of your face
  • can't find matching socks
  • get behind a dozen cars going 4 miles under the speed limit because of a state trooper playing mind games with drivers on I-65
  • spill coffee in your car because the car in front of you is suddenly braking
  • have a horrible time merging and nearly miss your exit
...the LAST thing you want to come across when you're about to be late for work is a gaggle of Fanny Packs wandering around Music Row like they ain't never been no wheres and looking for Toby Keith or Sugarland

LYLASarah sent me this fantastic find today. . . FAN FAIR BINGO! It may be last year's version, but trust me, it still applies.
Fan Fair Bingo: When You’re Done Counting Tube Tops (CMApocalypse 2008)

glossary: "Fanny Packs" - a little term I coined meaning tourists

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